Homosexuality in Jamaica

It's no secret that Jamaicans are extremely homophobic. Our values about homosexuality are different than most people who live in the United States. In the strict sense of the word, we are pro human rights, but we do not believe that homosexuality should be condoned.

Recently, I was accused of not having a backbone or an opinion about this very heated subject, but in fact I do. I believe that homosexuality is a personal choice. Each person must decide for themselves what is right or wrong. However, I don't feel that another country or another person should decide what's right or wrong for anyone. We as a people should be allowed to make our own decisions about how we feel about homosexuality and not have it shoved down our throat by any other sociey, culture or country.


  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    It's Starshadow, Missie, I just need to find out if I have an account. I think I do, but it's showing pw as incorrect.
    Anyway, my comment is that homosexuality isn't a choice at all, though if it were, it'd make no difference to human rights.
    I do hope the Jamaicans who are homophobic will someday figure out that by hating, they are hating their own.
    I have faith that these good people will, someday. I think it is a case of more fear than hate, fear of the unknown. Once they realize that just as Pogo said, "We has met the enemy and they is us" then hopefully their hate will stop too.

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    why is it if you do not approve of homosexuality you are homophobic and therefore hate homosexuals ?

    Listen, I do not condon homosexuality and I do not hate anyone.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Jamaicans aren't extremly homophobic. In Jamacia sometime in the 1800s-1900s. Homosexuals were slowly killed. People don,t here that Jamaicans are having same sex marriage. The jamaican music burn all that crop. If you are a homosexual don't even tell a Jamaican, only if you want to die.

  4. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I think it is absolutely absurd that one would consider homosexulaity a human rghts issue. When i think of human rights, i view it as rights that automatically belongs to everyone; such as rights to freedom and justice. But to equate homosexuality to human rights---- what are we as a society thinking. We seem to find every and any ridiculous explanations to validate our erroeous behaviours.

    I do not condone homosexuality, nonetheless, I do not hate anyone who makes a decision to conduct their lives in whatever way they choose. It's their choice as long as it is not imposed on others who do not share the same sentiment. This is where i draw the line and this is a road i see a lot of people who are pro-homosexulaity are trying to venture in hopes of shoving their beliefs and livestyles down others throats.

    I am a firm believer in the bible and nothing that one says in this world can dispute what the bible says. It is easy for us to turn a blind eye and pretend that what God says is not true or that it does not exist. Read Romans 1:22-32.

    Homosexulaity is a sin, just as is lying stealing and any other vice that is not edifying to the glory of God. A liar/thief is no better off than a homosexual as is a homosexual is no better off than a liar or a thief! Sin is sin. Homosexulaity is sin!!!

  5. MR.Mitchell12:03 PM



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