Exhuming Bob Marley

Last week almost every major newspaper had an article about Rita Marley exhuming the remains of Bob Marley to a "spiritual resting place". Since then Rita marley claims that she had no such plans to do anything of the kind. I for one do one believe that retracked statement.

I'll be the first one to say that I don't know Rita Marley and cannot readily determine why she would decide to deprive Jamaica of one of one it's most celebrated treasures. I can only guess that there must have been a big pay off for the first lady of reggae. Could someone have made her a offer she couldn't refuse or was this because Bob spirit would rest easier in an unknown land far away from Jamaica?

According to Rita, bob belongs to Ethiopia, and not Jamaica. This is the statement that's most offensive. Where was Bob born? Who loves Bob more than Jamaicans.

Rita, even though you may think that Bob belongs to you personally. He really belongs to the people of Jamaica not Ethiopia.


  1. Bob should go home asap

  2. Thanks for your comment Ras Astor. I am still curious why you think that Bob should be exhumed to Ethiopia. Is it because he was a rasta? It's also important to remember that he was a Jamaican before he was a rasta.

  3. Anonymous5:59 PM

    bob shud come and live wid me 69ers

  4. bob was born in jamiaca so he rests in jamaica

  5. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Bob Nestor Marley loved Jamaica, but his whole way of Rasta life is the promise land and its people-Ethiopia. Respect the wishes of the Marleys. I too was at first offended until an Ethiopian woman at work explained the Rasta culture and its belief that Salassi was the promise one. So I say, if the spirits will have Nestor in Ethiopia, then lets respect the wishes of the wife to do this for her husband. The only thing i have to say to Rita, if she is reading this comment, is why wait so long to move your husband? It has hurt so many, and it has confused others. That is something she has not answered and she should...for Nestor's sake.


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