Speaking Patois

From time to time, I get a few letters asking me how to speak patois. In my opinion, patois is not the type of dialet that someone sits down a try to learn. It's a skill that one developes by virtue of living or being born in Jamaica. Some words are easier to translate than other.

I am not sure why people are so facinated by patois. In any event if you have a specific question about patois, feel free to post them here. I or someone else here will do our best to answer your question.


  1. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Jamaicans never seem to be fascinated by anything that's their own, some of them finally see the light only after doing some amount of travelling overseas. I am a Jamaican, living abroad, but I have always, from a child living in Jamaica, in middle class Jamaica, been fascinated with our dialect, particularly because it is ours. I agree that it is not easy to read or write but it is ours and we should be proud of it.

  2. Shakera2:39 PM

    I am a 14 years old jamaican just moved to canada.Using patious here isn't easy, but knowing its purose is good. Back in Jamaica Itried speaking or twanging on my friends, but being here I miss talking in patious. Thats one thing Jamaicans should be rpoud of.


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