Can Jamaica Lose Reggae?

Jamaica Culture
This Roots and Culture flyer was displayed in Moscow, Russia. Even in a place as cold and as foreign as Russia, reggae rules. The Japanese love it, the Latinos too have their own favor of reggae known as Reggaeton.
So is reggae just for the Jamaicans? And is reggae just performed strictly by Jamaicans? The astounding answer to that question is, no. We might not be the only own performing and it certainly is not just for Jamaicans. The whole world loves reggae, but the most interesting question is, Can Jamaica lose reggae? Can it be taken over by other countries eager to overthrown Jamaica as the leader in reggae music. Again the answer is no.

As Jamaicans we should feel a certain amount of pride in knowing that we are imitated global. But that is all, it is. It is an imitation. No one anywhere can produce the sounds of reggae like a Jamaica. There is only one
Reggae is an intimate part of the Jamaican culture, it is our roots.
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Jamaicans or Japanese?

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