Jamaican Jerk Pork

Jerk Festival '09
Photo by Bob B Brown
High in the hills of Jamaica comes a dish that is rooted in history and tradition of the Jamaican people.  Nothing tastes better than a blacken piece of jerk pork.  Have you ever had jerk pork.  Tell us about your culinary experience.


  1. Nishelle4:06 PM

    Dear A.P.Grant,
    I really liked your pictorious illustrations of the edible Jamaican foods. However, the word scotch in the phrase scotch bonnet peppers is misspelled. It was only a typographical error because you spelled it correctly everywhere else. Please continue the good work, your web site is creative in language and vibrant in colors.

  2. Missie8:25 PM

    Thanks for your keen observation about the iriepeople site. I appreciate your comments. I havn't found the error you mentioned however I will be on the look out to correct this error asap.


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