About IriePeople

In 2001, I created Iriepeople.com. Over the years, I've enhanced the site by providing you with much needed tools to share your culture and to keep in touch Jamaican culture. One of the drawbacks of communicating via the web is the inability to offer your view points in real time. I saw a need a need for Jamaican to talk to each other, ask their questions and provide feedback in a timely fashion. With you in mind, IriePeople is leading the way in providing you that much needed communication link.

Jamaica is a place with lots to see. The current version of IriePeople is about expressing the beauty of our island. We provide you with pictures of our people, our culture. We have loads of pictures of everyday people doing everyday things in Jamaica. Our site is updated daily with pictures of Jamaican people and places. We would love to hear from you. It brings us great pleasure to bring these pictures to you, but it gives even greater pleasure when we hear how our pictures affect you.


  1. Nice site, I like the look and layout

  2. Hey i am keron the owner of www.islandbasking.com and it was launched in july this year.

    i just came upon iriepeople.com today through top5jamaica.com and i must say it good i give it a 8 out of 10


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